Sovereign Debt Restructuring and Global Economic Governance

Monday, July 14, 2014 9:00 AM EDT (UTC–04:00)

Main Conference Room (1539), IWEP, 15th floor of CASS Building

NO.5 Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China

Organizers: Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), CASS, and Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

9:00-10:20 Session One

Chair: GAO Haihong, Senior Fellow, Head of Department of International Finance, IWEP,CASS


1. GUO Kai, Division Chief, International Department, PBOC

Topic: Considerations on Sovereign Debt Restructuring15’

2. Brett House, Senior Fellow, CIGI         

Topic: A Blueprint for a Sovereign Debt Forum15’  

3. WANG Hongying, Senior Fellow, CIGI

Topic: China and Sovereign Debt Restructuring15’

4. LIU Dongmin, Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Head of Department of International Finance, IWEP,CASS

Topic: RMB Internationalization, China's Public Debt and Global Sovereign Debt Market15’

Open Discussion: (20’)

10:20-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-11:35 Session Two

Chair: Brett House, Senior Fellow, CIGI


  1. 1.      WANG Yongzhong, Senior Fellow, Deputy Head of Department of International Investment, IWEP,CASS

Topic: Fiscal Effects of US Financial Stability Programs, QE Exit and China’s FX Reserve Management15’

2. Miranda Xafa, Senior Fellow, CIGI               

Topic:Sovereign Debt Crisis Management Lessons from the 2012 Greek Debt Restructuring15’

3. ZHAO Ke, Assistant Research Fellow, Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C

Topic: China and the Risk Management of Global Sovereign Debt15’

Open Discussion: (20’)

11:35- Lunch (SKY Cafe, the First floor of Beijing International Hotel)


Brett House, Senior Fellow, CIGI

GAO Haihong, Senior Fellow, Head of Department of International Finance, IWEP,CASS

GUO Kai, Division Chief, International Department, PBOC

HUANG Wei, Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Head of Department of Global Governance, IWEP,CASS

JIN Zhongxia, Director, Institute of Financial Research, PBOC

LIU Dongmin, Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Head of Department of International Finance, IWEP,CASS

LI Yuanfang, Assistant Research Fellow, Department of International Finance, IWEP,CASS

LU Ting, Assistant Research Fellow, Department of International Finance, IWEP,CASS

Miranda Xafa, Senior Fellow, CIGI

REN Lin, Assistant Research Fellow, Department of Global Governance, IWEP,CASS

WANG Hongying, Senior Fellow, CIGI

WANG Yongzhong, Senior Fellow, Deputy Head of Department of International Investment, IWEP,CASS

XIAO Lisheng, Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Finance, IWEP,CASS

XIONG Aizong, Assistant Research Fellow, Department of Global Governance, IWEP,CASS

YANG Panpan, Assistant Research Fellow, Department of Global Macroeconomy, IWEP,CASS

YU Yongding, Academician of CASS, Senior Fellow, IWEP,CASS

ZHAO Ke, Assistant Research Fellow, Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C

Event Speakers

Hongying Wang (王红缨) is a CIGI senior fellow and teaches political science at the University of Waterloo. She studies Chinese politics and foreign policy as well as international political economy.