An Unfinished House: Filling the Gaps in International Governance

June 12, 2012

Authored by Max Brem with the assistance of Deanne Leifso

Each year, CIGI hosts its premier event, gathering leading experts and policy makers from around the world to explore international governance issues and challenges. Held in Waterloo, Canada, on October 28–30, 2011, and attended by some 50 participants from around the globe, the CIGI ’11 conference, An Unfinished House: Filling the Gaps in International Governance, tackled questions regarding gaps in international governance, focusing on governance challenges under CIGI’s thematic areas of concentration — Global Economy, Environment and Energy, Global Development and Global Security. This conference report combines findings from the conference discussions with points from written responses and attempts to indicate the range, depth and flavour of the proceedings.

Max Brem is CIGI’s senior publications adviser and former head of CIGI publications and communications. Deanne Leifso is the project officer for CIGI’s G20 Working Group.

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