CIGI-INET conference convenes leading global experts to discuss managing and resolving sovereign debt crises

Media advisory

February 17, 2012

WATERLOO, CANADA — February 17, 2012 — The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) invite media to register for the conference, Sovereign Debtors in Distress: Are Our Institutions Up to the Challenge?, being held February 24-26, 2012, at CIGI’s Waterloo headquarters.

The conference will consider the international institutional architecture for addressing sovereign debt crises. Three primary areas will be examined:

  • The vulnerability of the global economy over the next decade to significant sovereign debt crises;
  • The efficacy of the existing approach to managing and resolving unsustainable sovereign debt burdens;
  • Possible changes in the international financial architecture to make the global economy and financial system more robust, while reducing the collateral damage from debt crises.

To address these issues, CIGI and INET have assembled a group of leading experts in international financial architecture, including policy makers, researchers and current and former high-ranking officials from related international financial institutions.

CHATHAM HOUSE RULE: The entire Sovereign Debtors in Distress conference will be conducted under Chatham House Rule. Under this protocol, those present, including media, “are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.” For a full explanation of Chatham House Rule, please visit

Media are free to approach conference participants and interview them, on the record and with their consent, outside of the regular sessions.

Media interested in covering any portion of Sovereign Debtors in Distress are invited to formally register by contacting CIGI Communications Specialist Declan Kelly at 519-885-2444,
ext. 356, or [email protected].

Declan Kelly, Communications Specialist, CIGI
Tel: 519.885.2444, ext. 356, Email: [email protected]

Eric J. Weiner, Senior Editor and Director of Communications, INET
Tel: 212.493.3327, Email: [email protected]

The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) is an independent, non-partisan think tank on international governance. Led by experienced practitioners and distinguished academics, CIGI supports research, forms networks, advances policy debate and generates ideas for multilateral governance improvements. Conducting an active agenda of research, events and publications, CIGI’s interdisciplinary work includes collaboration with policy, business and academic communities around the world. CIGI was founded in 2001 by philanthropist Jim Balsillie, then co-CEO of RIM (Research In Motion), and collaborates with and gratefully acknowledges support from a number of strategic partners, in particular the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario. For more information, please visit

The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) was created to broaden and accelerate the development of new economic thinking that can lead to solutions for the great challenges of the 21st century. The havoc wrought by our recent global financial crisis has demonstrated the deficiencies in our current economic theories and shown the need for new economic thinking. INET is supporting this fundamental shift in economic thinking through research funding, community building, and spreading the word about the need for change. We already are a global community of thousands of new economic thinkers, ranging from Nobel Prize winning economists to teachers and students who have emerged out from the shadows of prevailing economic thought, attracted by the promise of a robust economic discourse. Our mission is to nurture a global community of next-generation economic leaders, to provoke new economic thinking, and to inspire the economics profession to engage the challenges of the 21st century. For more information, please visit

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