First POST: Bitcoin Agonistes

Tech President

Micah L. Sifry
January 22, 2014

The following is an excerpt. To view the full article please visit the link below

Bitcoin Agonistes

  • Marc Andreesen, one of the first to unleash the potential of the world wide web with the development of what became the Netscape browser, argues that BitCoin has a similar revolutionary potential. It's not because it's a digital currency; it's because it enables trustworthy digital transfers of property without needing a central intermediary. From there, he argues that Bitcoin can eliminate credit card fraud, make money transfers easier, and make micropayments "trivially easy"--which could open a huge new economy for content monetization.

  • On Medium, Glenn Fleischman tartly parses Andreesen's essay. He says the rise of Bitcoin has "little …

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