The Changing U.S. Electorate: America and the World

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7:00 PM EST (UTC–05:00)
  • Thomas Edsall

Thomas  Edsall joined the full-time faculty at Columbia University after a twenty-five year career at The Washington Post. During that time, he covered all aspects of national politics, including presidential elections, the House and Senate, lobbying, tax policy, demographic trends, social welfare, the politics of race and ethnicity, and organized labor. He is currently writing an online opinion column for The New York Times.

Edsall is also a correspondent for The New Republic and has reported on politics for The Baltimore Sun and The Providence Journal. He has frequently contributed TV and radio commentary to CNN, CSPAN, MSNBC, PBS, FOX, and NPR.Edsall is the author of five books: "The Age of Austerity" (2012); "Building Red America" (2006); "Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics" (1992, a Pulitzer finalist in General Non-Fiction); "Power and Money: Writing About Politics" (1988); and "The New Politics of Inequality" (1984).

He has written extensively for magazines, with articles appearing in American Prospect, The Atlantic Monthly, Civilization, Dissent, Harper's, The Nation, The New Republic, The New York Review of Books, and the Washington Monthly.

Awards include the Carey McWilliams Award of the American Political Science Association, the Bill Pryor Award of the Newspaper Guild, a yearlong fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and five Media Fellowships at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Edsall attended Brown University and received a B.A. from Boston University.

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