The IMF’s Role in the Eurocrisis

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 2:30 PM EDT (UTC–04:00)

Alongside the 2015 IMF Spring Meetings in Washington, this event will explore the role of the IMF in the Eurocrisis.

 Experts will explore the following questions:

  • Given the ongoing negotiations over further loans for Greece, how can the IMF encourage reforms in light of challenging domestic political developments? 
  • Going forward, how can the IMF revise its operational role in the EU?
  • What institutional arrangements might best enable the IMF to resolve future debt crises?
  • Can EU-IMF cooperation as reflected under the Troika serve as a template for future cooperation between global and regional financial institutions?

CIGI Senior Fellow Miranda Xafa will present at the event.

CIGI Senior Fellow Paul Blustein will attend as a discussant.

Event Speakers