Richard Higgott

Tuesday, March 6, 2007 11:45 AM EST (UTC–05:00)

"The Future of the Global Trade Regime after Doha"

A light lunch will be provided.

Speaker Bio

Richard Higgott is also currently Senior Scientist and Director of the EU Framework 6 Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation. He has held previous appointments as Professor of Government at the University of Manchester and Professor of International Relations and Director of the Graduate Programme in Foreign Affairs and Trade at the Australian National University. He has been Principal Policy Advisor at the Royal Institute of International Affairs and holder of 'la Chaire Asie' at the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques. Author/editor of some 16 books and a hundred or so papers he is currently Editor of The Pacific Review and Co-Editor of Global Governance. His current book projects include a research monograph entitled From Colonialism to Global Governance: Order and Accountability in the Theory and Practice of Extra-Territorial Politics and the Co-Editorship of the Oxford University Press Handbooks of Globalisation Series