“There is an appetite to end the growing impunity and deficit of accountability on the part of those responsible for the conflicts and other actions that are forcing people to flee their homes and countries.”

WRC Chair Lloyd Axworthy

Launched at the United Nations in New York City, the WRC’s report laid out 55 concrete actions to protect refugees and internally displaced persons and support the countries and local communities that host them. WRC Chair Lloyd Axworthy’s calls to ambassadors and international organizations to adopt the report’s recommendations garnered high-profile international media coverage, especially around a push to freeze the assets of those causing conflicts. Council members, including co-chair Jakaya Kikwete, led engaging discussions about this and other issues on social media.

In Venezuela, more than four million people have fled the country’s economic and humanitarian crisis. CIGI partnered with the Inter-American Dialogue to create a plan of action for an international response. A timely op-ed in The Washington Post, co-authored by Global Security & Politics Director Fen Osler Hampson, made a strong case for seizing the assets of corrupt Venezuelan leaders to benefit the county’s citizens.


2019 Annual Report