“This year’s survey of global attitudes not only underscores the fragility of the internet, but also netizens’ growing discomfort with social media and the power these corporations wield over their daily lives.”

Fen Osler Hampson during the launch of the 2019 CIGI-Ipsos survey

The CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey on Internet Security and Trust is the world’s largest and most comprehensive survey of its kind, polling more than 25,000 internet users in over two dozen countries. Conducted by Ipsos on behalf of CIGI, in partnership with the Internet Society and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the survey provides invaluable insight into the views of internet users on a range of topics.

The 2019 survey results made headlines with coverage in Rappler, France 24, The Economic Times, CTV National News and The Globe and Mail, among others. From findings on how many people have fallen for fake news (84 percent said they had at least once) to what is causing people to distrust the internet (75 percent said social media companies, just behind cyber criminals at 81 percent), the survey provided governments, policy makers, industry leaders and others with a host of critical data to inform decisions and advance debate in the internet governance and cyber security space.


2019 Annual Report