“The India-Canada relationship is like a $20 bill on the floor — it’s waiting to be picked up, but no one has done so.”

Rohinton P. Medhora at the Canada-India Track 1.5 Dialogue meeting in Ottawa

With India now one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and Canada seeking to diversify its trade relationships, CIGI has partnered with Gateway House, a foreign policy think tank in Mumbai, on the Canada-India Track 1.5 Dialogue on Innovation, Growth and Prosperity, a three-year initiative to explore areas for closer relations between the two countries.

In October 2018, CIGI hosted the inaugural meeting in Ottawa, which focused on bilateral opportunities in cyber security, geoengineering, climate leadership and economic relations. Vikas Swarup, High Commissioner of India to Canada, and Nadir Patel, High Commissioner of Canada to India, provided opening remarks. Jim Carr, Canada’s minister of international trade diversification, delivered the keynote address and praised the thought leadership of CIGI and Gateway House on trade ties via social media.

CIGI also co-hosted an event on Parliament Hill with Minister Bardish Chagger and Senator Marty Deacon that included a welcome statement from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and was attended by Ministers Navdeep Bains and Bill Morneau.


2019 Annual Report