G20: Colin Bradford on the G20 as seen by the United States

Speaker: Colin Bradford

Series: The New Geometry of Global Summitry

May 6, 2011

G20: Colin Bradford on the G20 as seen by the United States

Participating in CIGI's conference "The New Geometry of Global Summitry: The Future of the G20 (and the G8)", Colin Bradford answers the questions:

1. How does the U.S. government view the G20?

2. What governance innovations would the U.S. like to see?

3. Is there a gap in the U.S. between the government's view of the G20 and public perception?

Colin Bradford is a Senior Fellow at CIGI and a Nonresident Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution.

Series: The New Geometry of Global Summitry

Participants in CIGI's conference "The New Geometry of Global Summitry: The Future of the G20 (and the G8)", share their thoughts and analysis.

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