G20: Vanu Gopala Menon on the G20 and the United Nations

Speaker: Vanu Gopala Menon

Series: The New Geometry of Global Summitry

May 6, 2011

G20: Vanu Gopala Menon on the G20 and the United Nations

Participating in CIGI's conference "The New Geometry of Global Summitry: The Future of the G20 (and the G8)", Vanu Gopala Menon answers the questions:

1. What are the implications of the creation of the G20 for the U.N.?
2. What are the potential risk and benefits?
3. How should the G20 relate to the U.N. secretariat during the prepatory process?
4. How should the G20 relate to the rest of the U.N.?
5. Would  a constituency or proxy system work?
6. What should the U.N. do to ensure it remains the central body of global governance?
7. Can the G20 help in the reform of the U.N.?

Vanu Gopala Menon is the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Singapore to the United Nations.

Series: The New Geometry of Global Summitry

Participants in CIGI's conference "The New Geometry of Global Summitry: The Future of the G20 (and the G8)", share their thoughts and analysis.

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