Inside the Issues 2.21 - The "Extraordinary" US-Canada Partnership

Speakers: David B. Dewitt David Jacobson

Series: Inside the Issues, Season Two

March 7, 2012

Inside the Issues 2.21 - The "Extraordinary" US-Canada Partnership

Prior to his February 29 signature lecture, the US Ambassador to Canada, David Jacobson, visited the CIGI studio to discuss what he calls the "most extraordinary close relationship that exists between two countries in the world." In discussion with Inside the Issues host David Welch, the ambassador describes current bilateral initiatives between the two countries, explains why Canada's growing trade with China is good for the United States, and sounds a hopeful note that 200 years of peace between neighbours will be a example to others around the world.

Series: Inside the Issues, Season Two

Now in its second season, the Inside the Issues weekly podcast series will run from October 2011 to April 2012, covering timely and candid discussions on issues related to the core areas of CIGI expertise: Global Economy, Global Security & Politics, and International Law. Join host and CIGI Chair David Welch as he goes in depth with leading experts on the most pressing global governance challenges facing the international community today.

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