Inside the Issues 4.22 | Great Expectations, Slow Transformations

Speakers: Manuela Moschella Andrew S. Thompson

Series: Inside the Issues, Season Four

April 3, 2014

Inside the Issues 4.22 | Great Expectations, Slow Transformations

This week, CIGI Senior Fellow Manuela Moschella visits the Inside the Issues studio to discuss her new book, Great Expectations, Slow Transformations: Incremental Change in Post-Crisis Regulation. After reviewing some of the regulatory issues that initiated the 2008 financial crisis, Moschella discusses the role of global financial institutions along with the benefits and challenges of incremental regulatory reform. Would the global system be able to manage another financial crisis? Can global financial regulators fulfill their mandate given the limits of their authority? And, what lessons can we learn from the process of regulatory reform? Tune in for the full conversation to learn more about this fascinating subject.  

Please note, we experienced an unexpected issue with our audio recording this week. Despite the glitch, the episode offers some excellent commentary that is well worth a listen. We recommend the use of headphones, if available. 

Series: Inside the Issues, Season Four

Join co-hosts David Welch, CIGI Chair of Global Security and Dr. Andrew Thompson for the fourth season of Inside the Issues — a weekly podcast series — as they share timely and candid discussions with global governance experts on issues related to the core areas of CIGI expertise: Global Economy, Global Security & Politics and International Law.

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