Judy Whiteduck

Judy Whiteduck is the director of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Economic Sector in Ottawa, Canada. The AFN is a national advocacy organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada, including more than 900,000 people living in 634 First Nations and in cities and towns across the country.


Judy Whiteduck is the director of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Economic Sector in Ottawa, Canada. The AFN is a national advocacy organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada, including more than 900,000 people living in 634 First Nations and in cities and towns across the country. First Nations leaders (Chiefs) from coast to coast to coast direct the work of the AFN through national resolutions, including specific resolutions on the increasing participation of First Nations in international trade and investment agreements. The AFN’s nationally mandated committee, the Chiefs Committee on Economic Development, considers recommendations for this portfolio.

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