Breaking Global Deadlocks III

The Future of International Governance Architecture

March 23, 2008

This is one of a series of meeting reports from the Breaking Global Deadlocks project. These meetings attempt to refine the concept of how leaders play an instrumental role in addressing pressing global issues. Past meetings have included prominent individuals, including former leaders, summit sherpas and deputy ministers from most of the countries that have been identified as potential members of a new leaders' forum (the G8 countries plus key emerging and regional powers).This meeting held in Mexico City explored international finance, governance mechanisms to address climate change, and the reform of existing international institutions. The discussion also included debate about the expansion of the G8 to include key emerging powers and the role of a "world steering committee" made up of regional powers and powerful economies.

About the Authors

John Sewell is senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center and former president at the Overseas Development Council.