Conference Report: Can Think Tanks Make a Difference?

November 24, 2011

How can think tanks increase their positive influence on governments and international organizations in the digital age? How can think tanks develop a culture that produces innovative policy ideas? These were among the questions addressed at a conference on September 20, 2011 marking the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Centre for International Governance Innovation. Panellists included distinguished researchers, former politicians, public servants, journalists and think tank executives from around the world. The consistent theme throughout the conference was that communications — and leveraging social media — are critical if think tanks want to maximize their impact.

Read the report in the viewing pane below, or click here to download.

About the Author

Ian Darragh is a former editor-in-chief of Canadian Geographic magazine. His writing has been published by National Geographic, Canadian Encyclopedia, Planeta Humano, Courrier International, the Canadian International Development Agency and the International Institute for Sustainable Development.